Humans can survive for up to three weeks without food and three days without water. But we can only survive for three minutes without oxygen.
Public health authorities have done an excellent job on water and food security.
Starting in the mid-19th century, we learned about the importance of water purification in preventing disease. As a result, disease incidence plunged. The same can be said for food security. With the advent of refrigeration and improved sanitary practices, deaths from foodborne illness also decreased.
But what about air security?
Most people don’t give much thought to the air they breathe – but they should. We all share the same air and are affected by the various airborne particles which can lead to sickness and even death. Given the air’s importance to our body’s basic function, improving air quality in our homes is an investment in our health.
Although we can’t control the air quality outdoors, we can ensure the air in our homes, workspaces, and gyms is safe to breathe. That will make a substantial impact on our health as we spend over 90% of our time indoors.
Clearly, improving or air quality is key. But with all of the products on the market it can be difficult to discern which product offers the most protection.
During his discussion at the conference, Dr. Ereth shared the results of studies he conducted. The results are clear – ACTIVE Particle Control™, SecureAire’s signature technology, is more effective than HEPA filters, reduced infections at hospitals by 45%, and can kill microbes and even anthrax. APC was also shown to be more effective than air purification technology which uses UV light to disinfect the air.
It’s time for all of us to focus on our health with better air quality. And SecureAire’s technology has again been scientifically proven to be the most effective option on the market. Reach out today for more info!