SecureAire is the only air purification product on the market today proven to work in real-world testing, not controlled laboratory environments. We have tested SecureAire technology in hospitals and operating rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic, indoor agriculture facilities, commercial elevators, and more.
The results speak for themselves.
St. Mary’s Hospital Study Finds Advanced Air Purification Technology Reduced Healthcare-Associated Infections Including COVID by 45%
October 25, 2021
NEW YORK – A new scientific study published this month in The Journal of Hospital Infection finds cutting-edge air purification technology installed at St. Mary’s Hospital for Children reduced healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), including COVID, by 45%. The study, which took place over a three-year period and was already underway when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, is thought to be the first of its kind, examining the impact of advanced air purification technology in a real-world hospital setting.
The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of ACTIVE Particle Control™ on elevator cabin particle load compared to standard ventilation. The intervention trial utilized particle mass tools to determine the difference in particle clearance between standard elevator cabin ventilation and ACTIVE Particle Control™ technology. Cabin particulate contaminants were significantly reduced using ACTIVE Particle Control™ technology in an operating elevator.
We know that the dominant route by which COVID-19 is transmitted is through aerosolized droplets and desiccated viral nuclei. We also know that normal breathing can spread droplets throughout the breathing zone just as effectively as coughing and sneezing. These infectious particles can remain suspended for hours or even days. In fact, SARS-CoV-2 can survive within building ventilation systems and remain viable and infectious for up to nine days. Clean indoor air should continue to be a top priority as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and normal life returns, including gathering indoors without masks or other social distancing. SecureAire technology is the most effective – and only scientifically proven – solution to providing indoor air security.
American Journal of Infection Control, Published: January 5, 2020
We studied the effect of a novel particle control technology on airborne particulate matter in 2 live real-world operating room settings and on pathogen survival in a microbiology laboratory. Particle control technology reduced operating room particle and pathogen loads by 94.4% in a community hospital operating room, and by 95% in an academic medical center operating room. The addition of particle control technology to a collector loaded with a biologic warfare surrogate resulted in a 95% kill rate of an anthrax surrogate (Bacillus subtilis) within 3 hours. The particle control technology studied may protect patients from hospital-acquired infections, reduce inflammatory pulmonary disease, and mitigate exposure to biologic weapons.
Each year in the United States, Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) hurt 1.7 Million patients, cause 75,000 deaths, and cost our health care system more than $20 Billion1,2. The in-hospital transmission of viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens has been studied extensively. Over the past twenty years numerous national, regional, and local initiatives have resulted in significant improvements in infection rates. However, the indiscriminate use of antibiotics has also resulted in the development of “super-bugs” that have become resistant to the same antibiotic treatment, with a few strains now resistant to all drugs.
Existing hospitals, intensive care units, and operating room ventilation systems (including HEPA filtration) do not remove the smallest particles nor inactivate deadly pathogens. That’s where SecureAire comes in.
Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) occur in 1.7 million patients in the United States each year and are linked to 75,000 deaths.1,2 The annual cost of HAIs to the healthcare system exceeds $20 billion.1,2 More recently, cases of increased infection from airborne contamination sources have developed. Another potential source of airborne HAIs stems from the contamination of medications within the sterile compounding pharmacy zones.