A scientific study published in The Journal of Hospital Infection finds cutting-edge air purification technology installed at St. Mary’s Hospital for Children reduced healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), including COVID, by 45%. The study, which took place over a three-year period and was already underway when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, is thought to be the first of its kind, examining the impact of advanced air purification technology in a real-world hospital setting.
Surgery Centers have become an increasingly more important part of our overall Healthcare System. In becoming an integral part, many of these centers have implemented additional measures to reduce the number of Nosocomial Infections in their facilities’ as any such infections can be costly and potentially dangerous to patients. One of the measures employed by the Center was the installation of SecureAire’s Electronic Air Purification PACT System.
Northern California Wildfire smoke mitigation during the summer of 2020 was a challenge, to say the least. The Sacramento Valley suffered from the “Worst Air Quality in The World,” precipitated by multiple wildfires burning in Northern California counties for several weeks.
Numerous medical facilities in the Sacramento and San Francisco areas were closed due to smoke and odor inside their facilities. However, one of the largest medical centers in the Sacramento area was able to remain fully operational during the wildfire season, maintaining the health and safety of its patients and staff without interruption. They had installed SecureAire’s ACTIVE Particle Control™ Technology systems that provided smoke-free indoor air.
SecureAire’s ACTIVE Particle Control Technology is deployed in a number of medicinal cannabis grow facilities across North America. In the case of Cannacraft’s Colorado facility, employing the SecureAire ACS system provided measurable particle count reductions and virtually eliminated the more subjective odors within the first 24 hours of deployment.
During the design phase of UCSF’s 654 Minnesota Street Project, UCSF had concerns about the overall quality of Indoor Air, as the location of the project was adjacent to Interstate 280, an eight (8) lane freeway. A decision was made by UCSF and the Design Engineering Firm, Taylor Engineering of Alameda, CA to employ the SecureAire Electronic Air Purification System.
Air Disinfection and COVID-19 Surveillance Testing At The AESA Preparatory Academy of Austin Texas Our lives will never be the same. Our jobs as educators and parents are to advance education within a safe and nurturing environment. Something very difficult this year. We present how one K-12 school remained open all year and safely educated their students with minimal academic interruption.
Today’s Resorts, Casinos and Hospitality destinations are all interested in providing the best overall experience for their customers. At the Las Vegas Renaissance Hotel, just off of the strip in Las Vegas, tobacco smoke was the odor of concern. By employing SecureAire’s PACT technology, the smoking rooms have been deemed to be clean enough for non-smokers, effectively increasing the occupancyotential of the hotel.
IBM Corporation recently embarked on obtaining a LEED IAQ (EQ) Certification as outlined in the “Green Building Rating System for Commercial Interiors” for their new 60,000 sq. ft. Innovation Center Facility in Foster City, California. SecureAire’s PACT System enabled IBM to meet these requirements and much more.
The Art Institute of Chicago, which houses over 300,000 works of art, was concerned with the preservation of their collection. The result was the design and installation of a complete SecureAire PACT System for the Thorne Room.
When the county of San Joaquin began planning for the addition of their latest Administration Building they set out with specific design goals in mind as our environment can no longer be an afterthought considering our limited natural resources. As a result of the County’s Air Purification Study, SecureAire’s PACT Air Purification System was to be incorporated directly into the design of the facility.