What They Are Saying About SecureAire’s Revolutionary Technology
The Quality Of The Air We Live And Breathe Is Not Healthy, SecureAire Is Changing That
Washington D.C. – In light of the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently updated its list of tools to improve building ventilation, protect occupant’s health and reduce exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. As we think about returning to work, school, and the things we love doing, the conversation around the air we breathe and how it could be harming us is more important than ever.
As the pandemic has proven, airborne particles and droplets that remain in the air for hours can spread the coronavirus. Hospitals, schools, airlines, property management companies, and supermarkets are just some of the businesses still reckoning with the airborne transmission of the virus while quickly working to enact safety measures that will keep patients, students, employees, residents, and customers safe and healthy.
“At a time when our country is faced with overcoming a worldwide pandemic that is directly correlated to air quality, we must take action to ensure that the air our children, families, and loved ones breathe remains healthy and our workplaces, schools, and homes safe,” said Dr. Mark Ereth, Chief Medical Officer at SecureAire. “I believe SecureAire offers a novel and revolutionary technology that will lead the HVAC industry for years to come.”
SecureAire’s active control particle technology removes small critical particles, such as bacteria, viruses, and allergens that can harm a person’s health. Overall, the system kills up to 99% of the pathogens captured in the filter, and today, SecureAire systems are installed in over 60+ hospitals across North America.
What They Are Saying:
St. Mary’s Hospital for Children Acquired Infection Reduction Success with SecureAire: “While we have taken a number of precautionary measures subsequent to the pandemic, our data suggests that your systems [SecureAire] have played a major role in the reduction of our facility infection rates… Our 15 months of data suggests that our collective efforts have produced conditions that can be described as “statistically significant and truly groundbreaking”.
– William Mead, COO/CFO, St. Mary’s Hospital for Children
Grandmother Thanks SecureAire: “I am a grandmother of four, including two sets of twins, ages 5 and 9, who attend grammar school. They live very nearby and visit often. As we all know, when school-age children visit, they often bring with them colds, viruses, and bacteria they have picked up at school. I obtained a SecureAire system for my home. While I have noticed a reduction in the dust in my home, more impressive than that is that I have not been sick once since I got the SecureAire system! I am amazed at the improvement in my overall health. I am not getting sick from common colds or contagious viruses or bacteria brought into my home by visitors or my grandchildren.”
– Stephanie Falgout, Livermore, California
The First Residential SecureAire Customer’s Story: “After one year of using SecureAire in my home, I feel an improvement with my eye allergies. I have only had to use my steroid eye drops a handful of times this past year. Typically, I would need to use them for a week or more at a time especially during spring and fall allergy season. I now only take a minimal amount of allergy medication only during my outdoor allergy seasons- and even then, I have reduced the amount of medication I need to take to avoid reactions to my eyes.”
– Tori Horkan, Lake Mills, WI
About SecureAire:
SecureAire was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Dunedin, Florida. The Company is the industry leader in Active Particle Control Technologies. Based upon Technologies Developed and Employed by Semiconductor Cleanrooms and Critical Environments, SecureAire has advanced and further developed a number of highly sophisticated air purification technologies that makes normal air-flow the dominant transport mechanism for airborne pathogens and particles.