SecureAire   BLOG

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SecureAire’s Effectiveness on Airborne Pathogens Including COVID-19

SecureAire’s Effectiveness on Airborne Pathogens Including COVID-19

As you can imagine, we have been inundated with questions about SecureAire’s effectiveness on airborne pathogens, with specific mention of COVID-19, otherwise known as the Coronavirus.

This letter will summarize our research and experience with SecureAire® technology and its effectiveness at capturing and destroying airborne pathogens in any occupied space.

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SecureAire Technology Proven Effective on Airborne Pathogens

SecureAire Technology Proven Effective on Airborne Pathogens

A scientific article recently published in the American Journal of Infection Control evaluates the particle control technology employed by SecureAire. Their conclusions? The technology significantly reduces indoor air contamination in operating rooms, hospital isolation rooms, and intensive care settings.

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Grandmother Thanks SecureAire

Grandmother Thanks SecureAire

I am a grandmother of four, including two sets of twins, ages 5 and 9, who attend grammar school. They live very nearby and visit often. As we all know, when school-age children visit, they often bring with them colds, viruses, and bacteria they have picked up at school. This has frequently impacted my health. Over the last several years, I’ve been sick every couple of months with bronchial infections that have knocked me down for at least a month at a time and required one or more courses of antibiotics to recover.

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Dr. Mark Ereth on Testing SecureAire’s Effectiveness

Dr. Mark Ereth on Testing SecureAire’s Effectiveness

Dr. Mark Ereth, Emeritus Professor at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, discusses the testing of SecureAire’s effectiveness at removing ultrafine particulates, pathogens and airborne chemical compounds (VOSs) in hospital operating rooms and health care facilities.

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