The Impact of Wildfires on Our Children, and the New Science of Eco-Immunology
Mark Ereth, MD, Emeritus Professor, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science, Rochester, MN, USA
Wildfire season was once just a few months long. Now, the season is longer, the fires are larger and more intense, and the airborne distribution of the products of combustion can be measured up to 1,000 miles away. This has resulted in greater distribution of ultra-fine particulate pollutants, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) and other toxins that are harmful to human health. Unfortunately, the vulnerable among us pay the price.
The elderly and those with pulmonary disease must isolate or treat the air within their breathing zone. Babies and young children are at serious risk too. Recently scientists have reported the highly significant impact of intrauterine and toddler exposure to wildfire smoke (and similar toxins). Mothers exposed to wildfire smoke deliver smaller babies, and once born, those children have permanent alterations in immune function making them more susceptible to future infections. Also reported are the life-long alterations in lung function due to toxic airborne exposures.
Children’s immune and lung function can be damaged for life when they are exposed to wildfire smoke – either indoors or outdoors. What’s a parent to do? First, track your local air quality index with any of the numerous smart phone apps, for example AirNow which was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Second, remember that indoor air can be as or more dangerous than outdoor air. Third, deploy in-home air purification and air disinfection technology to protect you and your loved ones.
SecureAire’s Solution
Choose a technology that has been demonstrated in real-world studies to reduce fine and ultra-fine particles, eliminate allergens, VOCs, and other toxins, and kill viruses and bacteria. Also choose a technology that has been proven to significantly reduce healthcare-associated infections in a live hospital. Lastly, choose a technology that uses the physics of particle control rather than chemical reactions that may lead to toxin production including ozone. ACTIVE Particle Control™ (APC) from SecureAire is the only technology that meets these safety and efficacy standards.
Varsi K, Huber S, Averina M, Brox J, Bjorke-Monsen A-L. Quantification of linear and branched perfluoroalkane sulfonic acids (PFSAs) in women and infants during pregnancy and lactation. Envir Int 160 (2022) 107065. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.107065.
Chen H, Oliver BG, Pant A, Olivera A, Poronnik P, Pollock CA, Saad S. Particulate matter, an intrauterine toxin affecting foetal development and beyond. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 May 6;10(5):732. doi: 10.3390/antiox10050732. PMID: 34066412; PMCID: PMC8148178.